The Girl Talk LIFE Prep Academy
The Girl Talk Life Prep Academy is an elite program of Girl Talk, Inc. in which rising freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors across Knox County can apply to participate in a 10-month experience that is both transformational and preparatory for their future. The program provides participants with skills for college, career, and life, through consecutive monthly sessions, each semester. The program is designed to build skills through each grade level to truly prepare participants for life after high school.
Since its creation in 2018, 100% of the seniors to enroll in the Girl Talk Life Prep Academy have gone on to graduate high school in 4 years or less AND enroll in a variety of postsecondary education opportunities. Open enrollment for the Girl Talk Life Prep Academy will be held from March 1st to April 30th each year.
A Year of Introduction for High School Freshmen
Freshman year is considered “The Year of Transition and Foundation”. Freshmen will focus on getting acclimated to high school while also focusing on the importance of a grade point average (GPA). This curriculum will focus on building sustainable study habits, writing skills, course requirements, GPA estimators, extra-curricular exploration, mental health supports, and identity.
A Year of Practice & Preparation for High School Sophomores
As High School Sophomores, program participants will spend this year focused on creating/developing strong organizational skills, Microsoft Office software training, practice writing supports, craft personal statements, complete ACT Test Prep and PreACT testing, and learn to access appropriate mental health supports.
A Year of Exploration & Direction for High School Juniors
During their year as High School Juniors, participants in the Girl Talk Life Prep Academy will focus on college and career exploration, learn about different options for postsecondary majors, create/refine their personal statements, continue with ACT Test Prep, practice their communication and presentation skills, complete the Kuder Career Assessment, and learn about available mental health resources.
A Year of Completing Intentional Next Steps for High School Seniors
High School Seniors will spend their last year as a part of the Girl Talk Life Prep Academy focused on completing their college/postsecondary education applications, researching and applying for scholarships, refining their networking skills, practicing burnout prevention, learning proper business and professional etiquette, drafting workable resumes, developing appropriate interview skills, participating in civic engagement opportunities, learning general life skills, all while continuing to access mental health supports.
“Before Girl Talk I didn’t think that God could love me. But on the Retreat He reassured me that everything that happened to me happened for a reason, and one day I will find out why. Now I know that God loves me even with everything that I have been through.”